Once the molecule file is fully loaded, the image at right will become live. At that time the "activate 3-D" icon
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Geometry optimizations were done to hydrogen bromide (HBr) first using two semi-empirical methods. Three
ab initio
levels of calculations were then completed using the results of the
semi-empirical methods as their starting points. One of the pieces
of information that came from the geometry optimizations was the
calculated bond length. The
experimentally measured bond length is 0.14144 nm.
1 It
was not necessary for bond angles to be calculated because HBr is
diatomic and therefore linear and does not have any bond angles.
When calculations were done using AM1, the bond length was found
to be 0.142 nm; this value is very close to the experimentally
determined value . This geometry optimization was used as the
starting point for all three
ab initio geometry optimizations.
PM3 was the second semi-empirical method used. It gave the bond
length, 0.147 nm, that differed the most of all of the calculated values
from the experimental value.
3-21G was the lowest level of
ab initio calculations used.
6-21G could not be used because it did not contain the correct orbitals
to model bromine. The 3-21G level of theory gave a bond length
that, at 0.143 nm, was closer to the experimental value than the PM3
calculated value, but further from the experimental value than the AM1
calculated value.
6-31G was the next level used. The bond length that it gave, 0.142
nm, matched the value that came from the AM1 calculations and was also
very close to the experimentally determined bond length.
The last basis set that was used was DZV. A value of 0.142 nm was
found for the bond length, which matches the bond lengths calculated by
AM1 and 6-31G and is very close to the experimentally determined bond
The highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) was found by calculating
the total number of electrons in HBr, 36 electrons, and dividing by two,
since by the Pauli exclusion principle, there can be two electrons per
orbital. Therefore, orbital 18 is the HOMO. This orbital is
degenerate with orbital 17; both have an energy of -0.4349 a.u. The
results of the geometry optimization using DZV were used to generate the
orbitals and calculate their energies.
The lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) is the orbital that is
next highest in energy after the HOMO. For HBr, the LUMO is
orbital 19. It has an energy of 0.1362 a.u. The
results of the geometry optimization using DZV were also used to generate the
orbital and calculate its energy.
A molecular orbital diagram shown in figure 1 was generated for HBr, showing all of the
orbitals, their relative energies, and how the electrons were placed was
constructed from the energies and orbital shapes given by the DZV geometry optimization.

Figure 1. A molecular orbital diagram for HBr. Each
molecular orbital is depicted at its relative energy level, and the
orbitals were assigned sigma or pi designations based on the their
symmetries and were classified as bonding, antibonding, or nonbonding orbitals based
on where they were located on the molecule.
A map of the molecular electrostatic potential as calculated using DZV
was made on the molecular surface. The blue areas have the highest
electrostatic potential, indicating that electrons are less likely to be
in that area. The red areas have the lowest electrostatic
potential and, therefore, are more likely to have electrons present.
In this view, the hydrogen and bromine atoms are labeled with their
respective partial atomic charges.

Figure 2. Plot of the potential energy of bond stretching. The
energies were calculated when the atoms were different distances
apart. The lower the energy is, the better the conformation is.
The experimental dipole moment for HBr is 0.827 Debye.
Using the initial geometry optimizations, the calculated value that got
closest to matching the experimental value was 1.267011 Debye from
PM3. This is interesting because the PM3
bond length was the furthest of all of the calculated bond lengths from
the experimental bond length.
Further calculations with 3-21G, 6-31G, and DZV using diffuse orbitals
were done in order to optimize the dipole moment. The dipole
moments that were the closest to the experimental value for each level
of theory are listed in Table 1 along with the specifications of the
diffuse orbitals that were used. The changes that were made
include the number of D heavy atom polarization, the number of F heavy
atom polarization, and the number of light atom polarization.
Table 1. Dipole moments after optimization using diffuse
orbitals. The values for the diffuse orbitals correspond to the
number of D heavy atom polarization, the number of F heavy atom
polarization, and the number of light atom polarization.
theory |
diffuse orbitals
dipole moment (Debye)
The 3-21G level of theory provided the calculated dipole that was the
closest to the experimental value, which was not expected because it
contains the smallest basis set. There was very little pattern to
the way in which the variation of each of the three parameters affected
the calculated value of the dipole moment within one level of theory.
The vibration frequency of HBr was also calculated using the DZV geometry optimization and was found to be 2635.8 cm
-1. This value is close to the experimental value of 2649 cm
-1, which amounts to an error of 0.5%.
You may look at any of these intermediate views again by clicking on the appropriate button.
Based on template by A. Herráez as modified by J. Gutow
Using directory /Users/student/Documents/KSSG/HBr script
adding JmolPopIn.js
...adding AM1_Bond_Length.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Documents/KSSG/HBr script
file:/Users/student/Documents/Kathy and Sean/HBR_AM1.log
/Users/student/Documents/KSSG/HBr script/HBR_AM1.log
...adding AM1_Bond_Length.spt
...adding PM3_Bond_Length.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Documents/KSSG/HBr script
file:/Users/student/Documents/Kathy and Sean/HBr_PM3.log
/Users/student/Documents/KSSG/HBr script/HBr_PM3.log
...adding PM3_Bond_Length.spt
...adding 3-21G_Bond_Length.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Documents/KSSG/HBr script
file:/Users/student/Documents/Kathy and Sean/HBr_3-21G.log
/Users/student/Documents/KSSG/HBr script/HBr_3-21G.log
...adding 3-21G_Bond_Length.spt
...adding 6-31G_Bond_Length.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Documents/KSSG/HBr script
file:/Users/student/Documents/Kathy and Sean/HBr_6-31G.log
/Users/student/Documents/KSSG/HBr script/HBr_6-31G.log
...adding 6-31G_Bond_Length.spt
...adding DZV_Bond_Length.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Documents/KSSG/HBr script
file:/Users/student/Documents/Kathy and Sean/HBr_DZV.log
/Users/student/Documents/KSSG/HBr script/HBr_DZV.log
...adding DZV_Bond_Length.spt
...adding DZV_HOMO1.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Documents/KSSG/HBr script
...adding DZV_HOMO1.spt
...adding DZV_HOMO2.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Documents/KSSG/HBr script
...adding DZV_HOMO2.spt
...adding DZV_LUMO.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Documents/KSSG/HBr script
...adding DZV_LUMO.spt
...adding Electrostatic_Potential.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Documents/KSSG/HBr script
...adding Electrostatic_Potential.spt
...adding Partial_Atomic_Charges.png
copying and unzipping jsmol.zip directory into /Users/student/Documents/KSSG/HBr script
...adding Partial_Atomic_Charges.spt